Kyan's Karate Videos
Our video library contains video from the many trips Sensei Dan Smith has made to Okinawa, along with teaching sessions with Hanshi Zenpo Shimabukuro, Sensei Zenshun Shimabukuro and Sensei Dan Smith.
Our video library contains video from the many trips Sensei Dan Smith has made to Okinawa, along with teaching sessions with Hanshi Zenpo Shimabukuro, Sensei Zenshun Shimabukuro and Sensei Dan Smith.
Join today and have streaming access to an iconic video shot in 1999 - details not made public for 20 years.
Join today and have streaming video access to our "Kyan's Karate" video library (over 90 videos).
Join today and have streaming video access to both our "Kyan's Karate" video library (over 90 videos) and our "Listening to Okinawa" video library.
With a monthly subscription you receive full access to the video library and free access to all new videos that become available. Videos are uploaded regularly.
Yes, you can access and view our videos on your smart phone and can also stream our videos on many of the popular smart TV's, as well.
You can cancel your membership at any time. If you cancel mid-month, your membership will continue until the end of the month you cancel. Note - you must cancel at least 5 days before your billing date, otherwise your cancellation will go into effect the following month. Cancellation of subscription ends your access to all video.